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“My camera captured the aurora in all its glory. Mission accomplished!” The Southern Lights, or Aurora Australis, have been particularly vivid this season across New Zealand. Night skies erupting with green and pink light streams have entranced aurora hunters, with many staying up all night to get the perfect shot. “Faced with such a scene, […]

Too often, a catchy song gets stuck in our head. You know the kind where there’s barely any English spoken, but that doesn’t bother us. We just sing along, not fully knowing what’s being said. Take, for example, Chaka Demus & Pliers’ “Murder She Wrote.” There are only a handful of words in that song […]

When it come to Venomous, Poisonous, Dangerous, and downright scary creatures, I feel like Australia has the world beat. But wait there’s more!! Just when I thought I heard the entire roster of creatures the land down under had to offer, a new one creeps into view. Introducing “Euoplos dignitas”, I know it doesn’t quite […]

The glowing road markings use simple photoluminescent techniques used in children’s toys and the result is that road lines and marking can be seen much easier at night. The markings were tested on a 1km stretch of the Metong road outside Victoria, Australia and are part of 70 projects looking at making the area safer […]

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Italy’s right-wing government has backed a bill that would ban laboratory-produced meat and other synthetic foods, highlighting Italian food heritage and health protection. The farmers’ lobby praised the move, but animal welfare groups have highlighted lab-made meat as a solution to issues such as protecting the environment and food safety. The proposed bill comes on […]

Truly making history and breaking records by becoming the oldest cover model for VOGUE’S latest April cover. The philippines born Apo Wang Od , has been a master of the art of hand-tapping  tattoos since her teens . Being taught by her father and carrying on the tradition of tattoo art . For more info […]

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