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When you hear chronic pain the last thing you would associate with it is Bee Stings. A woman from the US   named Margaret has found this to be the only form of relief from her arthritis pains which otherwise leaves her struggling on a daily basis with the   pain. Margaret, from Morningview, Kentucky, explained it’s […]

“If you’re struggling with something, talk to someone, get the help that you need, don’t wait till it’s too late”, this is the advise that Kalesi Volatabu, founder of Drug Free World Fiji shared on the Pacific Beat podcast.               Reports have surfaced on the  increasing cases of meth, […]

When news of the untimely passing of Kasiano Raturaga began spreading and his friends and family started sharing their stories of him, one in particular from a classmate of his at Marist Brothers High School, Fred Raiwalui, stood out because it seemed to encapsulate the character of a man who touched so many lives in […]

WOMEN IN AGRICULTRE – A SERIES. PART ONE. Having recently returned from the Land of Opportunity with a dream, Vasiti had hoped to be in a position to help raise the standard of living of her family Fast forward to 2024 – that dream eventuated not only for her immediate family but to other people […]

With people rushing to social media with their praises of the VOU Fijian Flying Circus, the troupe now bring their show to Suva after an outstanding outing in their home ground of Nadi. Homegrown and sure to create a core memory for audience members of all ages, many are now rushing to see what for […]

Every now and again we’re reminded of just what a presence this young woman had and remember how she tragically was gone too soon.

It often feels like we only read negative things on social media so this post from the Fiji Police Facebook page is a good reminder that things are not as bad as what you see online suggests. We would like to begin this beautiful Friday morning, with a heartwarming story of how Year 11 Natabua […]

The Ra native is not a name that needs any introduction at this point, but on the eve of his first EP release we can’t help but to pick the brain of one of Fiji’s most successful singers and businessmen. Legend FM Drive host, Jerry, had the opportunity to do just that and spent some […]

Posted by Instagram user @briannafruean  is this short video showing Coldplay, a band renowned for amazing live concerts rehearsing the well-known Maori folk song which has been covered by many Pasifika artists.   A Twitter user @caroloratura also posted a video of the same group in sulu vakataga performing Coldplay’s iconic Fix You

Ahead of the Fiji national football team the Bula Boys second game against Samoa in the OFC Mens Nations Cup, the players had their biggest supporters along to boost morale, their children.   Fiji would go on to beat Samoa 9-1