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Harrison Ford’s legendary Indiana Jones character may fear snakes, but the actor now has a real reptile named after him. A new-found species of snake in Peru has been named Tachymenoides harrisonfordi to honour the actor’s environmental advocacy. Ford, who is the vice chair of non-profit group Conservation International, called it “humbling”. “I don’t understand. […]
Whether or not you’re happy to share clothes with your partner is a matter of personal preference. Many people are happy to swap jumpers and the like from time to time, but it’s not for everyone. As with most matters in relationships, the key is finding an agreement everyone is happy with. Although the woman’s […]
A pet owner was left stunned when she learned the ‘puppy’ she had bought for £140 was actually a fox. The woman, only known as Ms Wang, paid what she thought was a Japanese Spitz but grew suspicious when the animal stopped eating dog food at three months old. Chinese media reported that Ms Wang […]
Ever wished you had more money in your bank account? Well in Ireland, that wish came true for some. Pictures and videos shared on social media showed long queues at machines after a technical fault meant customers could withdraw large sums from cash machines. This was despite them having little or no funds in their […]
That’s how a man described the reaction to his rescue of a sheep, stranded on a rock by the tide. Chris Oxlade-Arnott made headlines across the world after scaling jagged rocks with the ewe slung over his back. The experienced climber spotted the animal at the bottom of a cliff while walking in Devon, England, […]
Time has nothing on these Supermodels aptly being called the Greatest of All Time. 33years later, they are joining forces again to grace the cover of Vogue’s September to promote their upcoming Apple+ TV Docu-Series titled ‘ THE SUPERMODELS’ The series aims to give the wider audience an in-depth view of their journey to the […]
This decade of current music is filled with nostalgia, featuring samples of classic songs that we grew up listening to. These songs are often remixed, revamped, and featured with original artists. For me, one such song is “Begging” by Madcon, which I first heard on the soundtrack of the 2010 movie “Step Up 3D”. After […]
Love Again is a romantic comedy that brings together two strangers, Mira Ray and Rob Burns, through a series of zany scenarios with the help of Céline Deon. The movie leaves one feeling happy and renewed, something that the Covid pandemic has taken away from us. If you have ever fallen in love or experienced […]
The microphone Cardi B chucked into the crowd during a recent performance at Las Vegas’ Drai’s Beachclub — in retaliation against a fan who splashed water in her face — is now up for auction on eBay, and the highest bid is closing in on $90,000. Posted on eBay as “Shure Axient digital Mic Cardi B threw […]
‘The Monkey That Stole A Bus’. A book written and illustrated by an 8 year old author who dreams of raising enough money to buy himself a new set of wheels Young author and illustrator Alfie Dormand suffers from a rare genetic disorder called L1 Syndrome and a related condition known as Hydrocephalus, both of […]