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There was a guest referee at the 46th Fiji Bitter Marist 7s. Her name is Ano Kuwai from Japan. She was also a referee at the 2020 Olympic Games. Interestingly at the 2016 Olympic Games, she was a player for the Japanese women’s 7s team. But she is one that was not originally from a […]

The Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama yesterday unveiled the new commemorative $7 note. It features the Fijiana 7s and the Mens 7s team to commemorate the achievements of both teams at the 2020 Olympic Games. To have the Fijiana 7s on this note is so good to see. If anything the Fijiana 7s achievement in the […]

I have to admit that I’m a sucker for cooking shows or pretty much anything to do with food. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m going bonkers over this show on Netflix. The show simply titled “Is it Cake” is wowing people around the world with its simple charm and over the […]

I’ve heard of Geese and other birds and animals that migrate but never Toads. Now a stretch of road in London has been closed to traffic for more than 3 weeks now to allow toads to cross safely to ponds where they breed. A 400-meter section of church road in Ham near Richmond is blocked […]

I channeled my inner child this weekend as my daughter hit the big ONE THREE (13). It’s official now, I am the mother of a teenage daughter!!!( If you have any pointers for me, please leave them in the comments section as I feel they will come in handy.) To celebrate her becoming a teen, […]

How many times have you come across stories about women giving birth to more than 5 babies on social media and think to yourself how did she do it? I know I have countless number of times. Giving birth to one is feat in itself, I can’t even begin to fathom the thought of giving […]

Can you imagine a full-grown bear breaking into your home? Well, such is the case for “Hank the Tank” weighing at 500lbs and is on the run from Police after breaking into a few homes! Check out the full article below-   View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)

  View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)

I don’t know what’s cuter the fact that they have red-bellied lemurs or that they poop in prime locations for new trees to sprout, check out the video below!       View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC Earth (@bbcearth)

I was literally today years old when I found out about this! Literally feels like my whole life has been a lie and now I would like to retake my kindergarten classes!       View this post on Instagram A post shared by UberFacts (@uberfacts)