Page: 144
There was a guest referee at the 46th Fiji Bitter Marist 7s. Her name is Ano Kuwai from Japan. She was also a referee at the 2020 Olympic Games. Interestingly at the 2016 Olympic Games, she was a player for the Japanese women’s 7s team. But she is one that was not originally from a […]
I have to admit that I’m a sucker for cooking shows or pretty much anything to do with food. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m going bonkers over this show on Netflix. The show simply titled “Is it Cake” is wowing people around the world with its simple charm and over the […]
I’ve heard of Geese and other birds and animals that migrate but never Toads. Now a stretch of road in London has been closed to traffic for more than 3 weeks now to allow toads to cross safely to ponds where they breed. A 400-meter section of church road in Ham near Richmond is blocked […]
I channeled my inner child this weekend as my daughter hit the big ONE THREE (13). It’s official now, I am the mother of a teenage daughter!!!( If you have any pointers for me, please leave them in the comments section as I feel they will come in handy.) To celebrate her becoming a teen, […]
How many times have you come across stories about women giving birth to more than 5 babies on social media and think to yourself how did she do it? I know I have countless number of times. Giving birth to one is feat in itself, I can’t even begin to fathom the thought of giving […]
Can you imagine a full-grown bear breaking into your home? Well, such is the case for “Hank the Tank” weighing at 500lbs and is on the run from Police after breaking into a few homes! Check out the full article below- View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)
View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)
I don’t know what’s cuter the fact that they have red-bellied lemurs or that they poop in prime locations for new trees to sprout, check out the video below! View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC Earth (@bbcearth)
I was literally today years old when I found out about this! Literally feels like my whole life has been a lie and now I would like to retake my kindergarten classes! View this post on Instagram A post shared by UberFacts (@uberfacts)