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A treat for Kava lovers in Aotearoa. Tāmaki Makaurau opened New Zealand’s first kava vending machine offering patrons another way to get their hands on the sweet nectar. The high-tech solution allows customers to buy kava from Four Shells Kava Lounge in Auckland’s CBD outside of their normal evening hours. Stocked with pre-mixed kava as […]

“If you’re struggling with something, talk to someone, get the help that you need, don’t wait till it’s too late”, this is the advise that Kalesi Volatabu, founder of Drug Free World Fiji shared on the Pacific Beat podcast.               Reports have surfaced on the  increasing cases of meth, […]

Fiji, a small nation rich in culture and traditions, uniquely preserves its stories not in conventional libraries but throughout its natural and human landscape. The essence of Fijian history and knowledge is found in rock, wood, leaf, flower, and especially in people, collectively forming the Vanua. Without a written language before colonization, Fijians used oral […]

As we approach the one year anniversary of the 2022 elections a locally made documentary from filmmakers Dave Lavaki, Meli Tuqota, Jastinder Kaur and Shirley van Der Maarel is set for release. WATCH the trailer now:

A recent study discovered that people are faster at recognizing emotion when looking at emojis when compared to real faces, a discovery that could hold a number of surprising consequences for the future of human language as blending with technology continues. Researchers made several other surprising discoveries about just how good people are at recognizing […]