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The Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama yesterday unveiled the new commemorative $7 note. It features the Fijiana 7s and the Mens 7s team to commemorate the achievements of both teams at the 2020 Olympic Games. To have the Fijiana 7s on this note is so good to see. If anything the Fijiana 7s achievement in the […]

I have to admit that I’m a sucker for cooking shows or pretty much anything to do with food. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m going bonkers over this show on Netflix. The show simply titled “Is it Cake” is wowing people around the world with its simple charm and over the […]

I channeled my inner child this weekend as my daughter hit the big ONE THREE (13). It’s official now, I am the mother of a teenage daughter!!!( If you have any pointers for me, please leave them in the comments section as I feel they will come in handy.) To celebrate her becoming a teen, […]

How many times have you come across stories about women giving birth to more than 5 babies on social media and think to yourself how did she do it? I know I have countless number of times. Giving birth to one is feat in itself, I can’t even begin to fathom the thought of giving […]

In case you missed the game last night or just want to rewatch what was an epic contest, here it is:

It’s all about the aerodynamics right?

This morning, as I was halfway down the driveway making my way to work I realised I forgot my mask. So I quickly dashed into the house to grab it as the taxi waited. It wasn’t until I reached work that I realised that this was no longer mandatory. I never thought I’d see this […]

This guy knows his physics.

Artists throughout the ages have used all sorts of different mediums to convey their art. This is taking it to the next level using nothing more than light.

It indeed is a rare sight to see the royals let loose during official visits, well maybe not, but it is indeed rare to see Prince William put a bit more umph in his dance steps. The Duke of Cambridge may have stolen the show with his dancing moves. The Royal Family Channel on YouTube […]