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I have to admit that I’m a sucker for cooking shows or pretty much anything to do with food. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m going bonkers over this show on Netflix. The show simply titled “Is it Cake” is wowing people around the world with its simple charm and over the […]
I channeled my inner child this weekend as my daughter hit the big ONE THREE (13). It’s official now, I am the mother of a teenage daughter!!!( If you have any pointers for me, please leave them in the comments section as I feel they will come in handy.) To celebrate her becoming a teen, […]
How many times have you come across stories about women giving birth to more than 5 babies on social media and think to yourself how did she do it? I know I have countless number of times. Giving birth to one is feat in itself, I can’t even begin to fathom the thought of giving […]
It indeed is a rare sight to see the royals let loose during official visits, well maybe not, but it is indeed rare to see Prince William put a bit more umph in his dance steps. The Duke of Cambridge may have stolen the show with his dancing moves. The Royal Family Channel on YouTube […]