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Here you go Legends, as mentioned on LegendFM Breakfast here is the music video. It is awesome!

So if you thought that mushrooms were just for eating, you are sorely mistaken! If you haven’t heard about mushrooms and the unexpected ways that it can be used, then check out this post below.   View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC Earth (@bbcearth)

Now as if you weren’t already successful and talented! Ed Sheeran has won his legal case and was awarded £900,000 in legal costs, during an 11 week copyright case. Click on the article below for the full story.   View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)

It’s an astounding find to be honest. The biggest freshwater fish ever documented was found in the Mekong river in Cambodia, according to scientists. It weighs a whopping 300kg, the giant stingray was studied and tagged before being released back into the river. After watching that video, I’m starting to think of some of my […]

This is a very scary sight especially for the people just minding their business waiting for a bus.  

This is from one of the world’s deepest pools in Italy. We’re amazed and to be honest, getting a little anxious just watching this.

Now earlier this month there was this whole drama where they said that Kim Kardashian had ruined Marilyn Munroe’s dress when she wore it to the annual Met Gala this year. According to the US Museum this is further from the truth. Check out the article below.     View this post on Instagram A […]

Now this is the first for me and I don’t think I’ve ever come across something like this! 69-year-old Lynda Fairhurst has decided to part with 1,005 of her bears – a collection which could fetch up to £35,000. So here I am thinking of all those stuffed animals I got rid of as a […]

Would you live with 100 cockroaches in your home? How about if someone offered to pay you money for it? There’s a North Carolina pest control company that’s offering home owners $2000 to live with 100 cockroaches for an experiment. The stay is for 30days, the entire experiment is going to be filmed in order […]

It’s kinda freaky how they show up out of nowhere. Also, watching chickens actually fly feels strange!