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Tik Tok, i will be honest i am not a very big fan of it but it is popular. Just how popular? Well, Beyonce created an account. Of course with her creating an account the beehive was buzzing. Sonny music twitted and welcomed her “New queen of TikTok has arrived “. Beyonce in only two […]
The Late Night Show host Stephen Colbert, is obsessed with The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. How do you celebrate that obsession? By inviting your friends who starred in that trilogy and making a rap song. Colbert teams up with Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Hugo Weaving, Andy Serkis, Orlando Bloom, Viggo […]
When it comes to the festive season, there are quite a few things that are very predictable. That’s when you hear certain artists everywhere you go. These artists are Boney M, Mariah Carey, and Michael Buble. Their Christmas songs greet you from every shop that you walk into or past. Bublé dropped some new music […]
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Receipts are proofs of financial transcastions. Something that we all have. Even when we get on the bus we get a receipt after we swipe our bus cards. Today i decided to go through my wallet and take out receipts that i didn’t need. And i tell you there were so many. I am one […]
With a lot of hype leading up to Neo and the crew gracing the big screen again in more than 18 years, check this new experience out. Created by members of the original movie team including Lana Wachowski, the demo morphs from breathtakingly realistic cinematic to fast-paced third-person shooter experience, complete with an action-packed car […]