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Ladies, we all have that one bag that i like to call “our bottomless pit bag” the go-to bag daily that has everything. This bag usually also has lots of pockets and we usually always know what is in all those pockets. So a friend was using her “bag” a few days ago and was […]

Yes, you read that headline correctly. Check out the video below from the USA and just be amazed at how American it is! Are these boys heroes or villains? We certainly aren’t sure anymore.      

This is a video guaranteed to make your day!  

Remember all the smart things you said when you were a kid? No? Well, neither do I, but, best believe that our parentals did. Them and the rest of the grown-ups who like to bring up your toddler years and the crazy things you used to say and do as a child. Yeah, I don’t […]

What an amazingly clinical performance!  

Never mind the new Batman film starring Robert Pattinson, this is the Batman we want to see more of  

A man who tried to unblock his toilet after hearing a weird noise managed to find an item that his wife lost ten years ago. Becki Beckmann’s husband started hearing a “banging sound” when they flushed the toilet and so he decided to plunge it. He was surprised to find the iPhone that Becki lost […]

We have so, so many questions about this.

Season 1 combined all the best parts of Pride & Prejudice and Gossip Girl. It quickly became Netflix’s biggest hit ever, with 82 million households watching the show in its first month. For context, that’s not far off the Super Bowl (around 100 million households per year) and if you binge-watched Season 1, then you need to […]

The comments about their selfless acts have certainly touched the hearts of the Aussie public.