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I am a big fan of the voice, especially The Voice Kids because it never seizes to amaze me how much talent they have. When you’re watching the clips of their auditions, battle rounds or live shows, and you see the maturity in the tone of their voices and yet they are under the age of […]

More than 3 billion people rely on food from the ocean as a source of protein and nutrition. This number will keep growing and growing and if we don’t do something about it, we’ll be in a whole lot of trouble. Overfishing is very real and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. As long as the […]

Not to engage in American bashing but we do wonder sometimes at the things you see coming from that country. Do you think the police over-reacted?

Turns out there’s a scientific explanation to why sometimes chocolate looks dusty and here’s the reason why! That strange dust or powder on chocolate is called chocolate bloom. The explanation for chocolate bloom is simple food science—it happens when the fat in chocolate separates from the rest of the candy. When chocolate is left in […]

I have watched this video a countless number of times and keep trying to figure out if that’s what she really looks like without make up. I mean no disrespect but I feel that she is younger than she is leading us on to believe. @chloewaterz This should’ve stayed in my drafts. ♬ GOOD VIBES […]

If you’re into Marvel as much as I am then this is the trailer for you! Check it out and don’t miss out on all the little hints!      

When it comes to giving advice Gene Simmons, AKA The Demon from KISS has definitely hit the nail on the head. Life advice with @genesimmons 👌 — Good Morning Britain (@GMB) April 14, 2022 Too good Gene, too good.          

A pilot who lied about his flying experience to secure a job at British Airways was said to have been caught when he pressed a button ‘no qualified pilot would.’ He was jailed for fraud after admitting that he falsified his flying experience. He faked training certificates and falsely claimed to have flown 1,610 hours […]

Police and firefighters in Maine came to the rescue of a driver who apparently made a wrong turn at a garbage dump and ended up suspended over a trash compactor. The East Millinocket Police Department said police responded alongside personnel from the Millinocket Fire Department on a report of a driver stranded in a vehicle that was […]

I can’t stop watching this video!!! This was on World 7s Rugby twitter page and has got to be one of my favourite moments captured on camera!!! Fiji showing the world that it’s important to have fun too in the seriousness of rugby 7s!