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  She really is going to push it real good! Pregnant actress Hilary Swank, is compiling a playlist of songs to help her with delivery and is asking for suggestions! Which song would you reccommend?     View this post on Instagram A post shared by Entertainment Tonight (@entertainmenttonight)

Alanis Morissette is keen to collaborate with Shania Twain She said this after  her live debut at the CMT Music Awards in Austin, Texas, on Sunday night.Shania, 57, was also at the bash to collect her Equal Play Award, and Alanis, 48, said she wanted to make a beeline for her peer and pounce the […]

Check out this 16 and 17yr old teenagers who thought it would be wise to hijack someone’s car! Well, they managed to hustle the owner of the car for their keys, only to realize that both of them didn’t know how to drive a manual car. They tried to flee but was arrested by police […]

If you have ever wondered why sunlight is good for you then this is it right here! Now studies have shown that sunshine actually plays a major role in our health and mental well being. Make sure to always get in some form of Vitamin D! Check out the link below for the full article. […]

A man that has been campaigning for pot holes to be filled in their roads in the UK has finally decided to take matter into his own hands. Mark Morell, also known on social media as Mr Pothole, has joined up with the iconic noodle brand to urge the government to take action over the […]

Most times we struggle to sleep even though we want to sleep. There are fruits that can actually help you sleep easier. Kiwi fruit has been a feature in many people’s bedtime routines for many years, and the science backs up the kiwi’s value as a sleep aid. “Studies have shown that kiwi fruit can […]

Amsterdam is warning rowdy British sex and drug tourists to “stay away”. A digital discouragement campaign targeting men aged 18 to 35 in the UK is being pushed out by the Dutch city’s council. It is a part of efforts to clean up Amsterdam’s raunchy reputation as Europe’s most liberal party capital. The videos show […]

  Trust a Fijian to give a nickname to just about anybody with or without knowing them. But it sure stems from either a deep meaning or something said or done in a light joke. For instance, Highlander’s rugby player, Aaron Smith’s, (given the nickname by a fellow Fijian player) is Nuggy. Details on how […]

A cast of what was one of the biggest animals ever to walk the Earth is now on show at London’s Natural History Museum. Patagotitan was a dinosaur that lived 100 million years ago in South America. Measuring some 37m (121ft) from nose to tail, the animal could have weighed up to 60 or 70 […]