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Truth be told I am HERE for anything and everything Janet Jackson does! I think she’s tired of everyone else speaking for her and wants to put her stamp of approval on the story of what ultimately will be her legacy. For as long as Janet has been in the spotlight we can safely say […]
We’ve all heard of mash-ups, some are fire while some are just so so. Rock Sugar takes mash-ups to the next level by mixing Rock and Pop songs together in a way that you’ve never heard before. Their frontman Josh Harnell is unlike any other. Also known as the man of a thousand voices with […]
Facebook memories, basically show things you posted on the same day from years ago. I gotta say sometimes it’s good and sometimes they are not so great and we wish for the memories to not see the light of day ever again. This is one of those that I loved because it shows how things […]
According to the US Secret Service, a minimum of nearly $100 billion has been stolen from government Covid 19 relief programs set up to help businesses and people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic. In total, the US government has disbursed around $3.4 trillion in Covid 19 aid.
Tik Tok, i will be honest i am not a very big fan of it but it is popular. Just how popular? Well, Beyonce created an account. Of course with her creating an account the beehive was buzzing. Sonny music twitted and welcomed her “New queen of TikTok has arrived “. Beyonce in only two […]
The Late Night Show host Stephen Colbert, is obsessed with The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. How do you celebrate that obsession? By inviting your friends who starred in that trilogy and making a rap song. Colbert teams up with Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Hugo Weaving, Andy Serkis, Orlando Bloom, Viggo […]