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What knee do you propose on? Typically, you get down on your left knee when popping the question. The ring box is usually held in the left hand and opened with the right hand, revealing a gorgeous engagement ring for your beloved. Why the left knee, specifically? According to Keith Willard, a wedding officiant and […]
You know I’ve seen a lot of celebrity houses on Architectural Digest but let me say that Naomi Campbell’s house in Kenya is next level! I love that she kept it very open and true to the country of Kenya, also most of the furniture are local pieces which I think is fantastic! Take a […]
A king cake is a wreath-shaped cake that’s similar to a Danish pastry and traditionally made of brioche, flavored with cinnamon, and embellished with a frosted glaze and gold, green, and purple sugars. Collectively, these shades are the official Mardi Gras colors , and each one of them has a specific meaning. Gold stands for […]
So if you have an obsession with horror films then you have to check out this trailer! It’s already taken the title of MOST ANTICIPATED HORROR FILM OF 2022! Personally this trailer freaked me out a little bit, but really!? CHECK IT OUT!
Have you ever at one point just questioned why exactly this is said at wedding ceremonies? I know I have countless times I mean for me the reasoning has always been well they wouldn’t be here if they didn’t want to get married right? Well enough of that lets get into the real reason why […]
For the life of me I can’t even climb a normal sized tree and here you have this guy climbing Mount Everest 16times! You don’t realize the amount of preparation these climbers do to just climb up for the first time, let alone 16 times. Check out the full story below! View this post […]
Let me just say, I always find marine simply AMAZING! Now Blue whales living for up to 90yrs old is an incredible feat on it’s own, I mean most of us can only dream to live that long! Check out the post below for more information. View this post on Instagram A post […]