Written by Ella Melake on July 31, 2024
Sharon Liu, a research officer at the Development Policy Centre and a co-author on the topic at hand shared statistics on the high number of Fijians migrating Overseas.

Huiyuan Sharon Liu, Research Officer Development Policy Centre
In an interview with ABC’s Pacific Pulse she shared that 42,000 people left the country in 2022 and 47,000 in 2023 which accounts for nearly 10% of the entire population. She also highlighted that these numbers surpass Vanuatu.
The analysis conducted by her team focused on Australia and New Zealand.
The Fijian government to raise the retirement age for some civil servants to address the exodus of labor to Australia and New Zealand however, this has not curved the issue.
“I think with this high level of migration, things are definitely getting more difficult in Fiji,” she shared.
Their studies have showed that the main contributors to increased migration are the temporary visas offered through student and work schemes.
The main group of Fijian migrants in New Zealand are seasonal workers and the numbers are moderate. However, Australia shows a significant number of bridging visa holders that make up 20% of the Fijian migrant population.
“Fijians apply for their bridging visa and as this is being processed, they remain in Australia. We also have asylum seekers who apply for refugee status and this is a lengthy process which we’ve seen is not very successful therefore, they are sent back to Fiji” she said.
When asked if the numbers will decrease any time soon or if this can be managed somehow, Liu said that the Fiji Immigration will most likely maintain the current 40,000 immigrants a year which is unsustainable.
Australia and New Zealand have tightened their immigration policies however, there are still a large number of Fijians leaving the country.
This has brought about a concern in labor shortage in Fiji which has led to bringing in labor from South East Asia at a huge cost.
“There is a strong push within Fiji domestically for people to get out because they want a better life” she said. Liu also said that the ultimate solution is for Fiji to create more stable job opportunities and diversification of the economy.
Ella Melake
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