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Concert goers were peleted by a sudden hailstorm that occured Wednesday evening at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado. View this post on Instagram A post shared by CNN (@cnn) Story and video sourced from CNN News

Beyoncé with a net worth of around $500million with an annual income estimated around $36million doesn’t like gambling. However she says that there is one thing she dares to bet money: “I don’t like gambling, but if there’s one thing I want to bet on, it’s myself.” Well that is a pretty safe bet if […]

Ben Affleck the actor film maker and academy award winner has a  important life lesson: “I think I would rather tell the truth and say what I believe in and make people unhappy, than pretend to think something else to accommodate them and be liked.” Credits: ,  SBS USA

Believe it or not Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger were initially not as friendly to each other as most of us would have thought. In an interview Stallone said “We really disliked each other immensely because we were… this may sound a little vain, but I think we were pioneering a kind of genre at […]

Usually when you hear that someone is 100 plus years old. the first thing people assume is that they have some sort of secret diet or some secret exercise routine. Irene Sproston a 100 year old woman from Stroke-on-Trent says her secret is by drinking 8 cups of tea a day. At her recent 100th […]

Imagine youre cleaning up rubbish in your backyard and you stumble upon an ancient Mummy. That is exactly what happened in Peru. Students of Saint Marcos University in Peru were helping archaelogists with a dig when they discovered the mummy. It was discovered under 8 tonnes of rubbish . The body is thought to date […]

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