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Every year they put out a Christmas Advert that’s talked about for all the right reasons. This year is no different from John Lewis, a high-end department store in the UK that has just offered us their E.T themed Christmas offering featuring an alien named Skye.

From the BBC: Facebook has changed its corporate name to Meta as part of a major rebrand. The company said it would better “encompass” what it does, as it broadens its reach beyond social media into areas like virtual reality. The change does not apply to its individual platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp, […]

  Last night Pixar surprised us by dropping the trailer for Lightyear.   Lightyear is a spinoff from the Toy Story franchise which started in the ’90s and will focus on Buzz Lightyear.  It has Chris Evans voicing Buzz and not Tim Allen, as has been the norm in the series till now. This has […]

Spanx founder Sara Blakely is making the rest of our employers look bad, why? Check out this video: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sara Blakely (@sarablakely) Blakely sold a majority stake to Blackstone in a deal valued at US$1.2 Billion. To celebrate this moment, I have bought each one of you […]

A really great concept that these groups of Dads have come up with. They are optimistic about opening up other chapters of Dads On Duty, around Louisiana and I mean if it could work there it could work anywhere in the world. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Will Smith (@willsmith)  

It seems that Margot Robbie’s Barbie Film has finally found its Ken in Ryan Gosling. Gosling initially passed on the project due to being busy with other projects but it seems that his schedule has opened up. It’s also a good thing that he is free because the producers had set their sights on him […]

Get ready because John Krasinski is returning as Jack Ryan for another season. While Jack Ryan season 1 dropped back in 2018 and season 2 in 2019, it was only natural for people to have expected season 3 in 2020. Well, COVID-19 happened and pretty much threw that out of the window. Jack Ryan Season […]

After being given a week to comply with the “no jab no job” vaccination policy, some construction workers were very unhappy with that decision and decided to protest it. Unfortunately, some of those protests turned violent. This is melbourne right now. Got voted top 10 safest city in the world on Sunday. Fast forward to […]