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The mayor of a small town in Italy has decided to impose a selfie fine. According to the mayor tourists who stop to take selfies in the streets are the ones that are causing majority of traffic. View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)

View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)

Now if you look closely, you can see how smoke rises from the scene of South Fork Dairy near Dimmit, Texas. Now approximately 18,000 cows were killed in a blast at a Texas dairy farm earlier this week, according to local authorities. Click the link below for the full story!

A lion has been spotted in Chad’s Sena Oura National Park, where the big cats have not been seen since 2004 and were believed to be extinct until now. Click the link below for the full article!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)

A mutant pig has been born without its trademark snout. The piglet’s nostrils are located on top of its gums inside its mouth. As a result, the tiny porker has to breathe through it instead. The little swine was born on a ranch owned by a pig farmer, Mariolys Herrera, in Guantanamo Province, Cuba, at […]

So I came across this article on BBC about strange lights in the sky and it was seen in Alaska across to California! People are saying it’s because of excess fuel from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. I don’t know about you, seems like something extraterrestrial. Check out the full article below!     View […]

Look, I know they’re extinct but I still think they are absolutely stunning creatures! Now it’s one thing to see a dinosaur skeleton and it’s another thing to actually sell them. Take this T.Rex skeleton for example that sold for more than $6m at a recent auction! This actually makes me want to go home […]

So I came across this article and can I just say, I’m not surprised! We’ve heard for years that honey has heaps of healing properties, whether it be for skin care or internal health. It’s crazy to me that scientists are finally turning to bees to find other alternatives. Check out the full article below! […]

There’s something about the ocean that we shouldn’t be messing around with and this article right here is the reason! Now huge waves have pounded the Cornwall coast as Storm Noa swept in and I’m so glad this person caught it on camera. Check out the video below on how we shouldn’t mess with Mother […]