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When you hear the name Justin Timberlake, one of two things come to your mind first; it’s either singing or dancing. But after watching recent viral video, I don’t know what to think. Justin Timberlake teamed up with Pharrell Williams at the Juneteenth concert this year. While his vocals were on point, his dance moves […]
Now as if you weren’t already successful and talented! Ed Sheeran has won his legal case and was awarded £900,000 in legal costs, during an 11 week copyright case. Click on the article below for the full story. View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC News (@bbcnews)
It’s an astounding find to be honest. The biggest freshwater fish ever documented was found in the Mekong river in Cambodia, according to scientists. It weighs a whopping 300kg, the giant stingray was studied and tagged before being released back into the river. After watching that video, I’m starting to think of some of my […]