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At this stage, we have all seen this used as a meme: But if you’ve ever wondered where the image came from, wonder no more!  

The first modern chocolate bar was invented in 1847, but it wasn’t until 1930 that white chocolate appeared on the scene. Invented by Switzerland’s Nestlé corporation, white chocolate was unlike anything chocolatiers had ever seen before. Nearly a century later, chocolate lovers are still wondering: What is white chocolate? Made from the same cacao beans […]

The 4th track from VT1s Taqaniika has been gaining traction with local music lovers for a while now and with the release of the music video yesterday that looks certain to continue. The Magic Factory produced video has already received over 11,000 views in 12 hours.

  Imagine having a hungry bear on the loose in your neighbourhood. Knowing me i would hightail it out of there straight away i mean a (227kg) bear on the loose mmhmm I’m definitely changing neighbourhoods. So apparently a massive black bear that has been nicknamed by the California police as “Hank the Tank” is […]

Taking music videos in Fiji to the next level, the Magic Factory boys have really gone above and beyond with this one. The anticipation for this video had everyone salivating after they showed a snippet earlier this week: From the VT1S album, Taqaniika performed by Billy T. Composed by SereNation and produced by Tropic Thunda […]

If you’ve never heard the term “jobfished” then this is it right here! Imagine working for a company that doesn’t exist and not getting paid for the full 6months while you were working your tail off! Very sad situation but we do have people that have fallen for this, check out the full story below. […]

  SPAM is a canned lunch meat product that first hit shelves in 1937. It was created in Austin, Minnesota by the manufacturers Hormel Foods. Toward the end of the Great Depression, SPAM helped fill a huge need for inexpensive meat products. And its popularity only grew. “It cemented its place in the culinary world […]

Now, this i know is something literally every household in the pacific is fond of doing. Wrapping leftovers in Aluminium foil. But did you know it doesn’t actually keep your food safe from bacteria? Much like we need air to breathe, bacteria need air to thrive. Some bacteria like staph and Bacillus cereus, which cause foodborne […]

These kinds of videos make us really glad we live in a place with no snow. Hopefully, no one was too badly hurt!

What do the numbers on a toaster mean? The first thought that most of us have is that the numbers on a toaster dial refer to minutes, or the amount of time your bread is in the toaster heating up before it springs up. Though this is true for some toaster models, it’s not always […]