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A family of 6 in the UK have moved into a double decker bus to cut costs with rent and meet the cost of living. They bought the double decker for $2000 and it cost them less than $8000 to renovate. According to Conrad the father of four he says they were spending £1,350 on […]
A bride went looking for her groom 20 minutes before their wedding as his groomsmen couldnt find him as well. While searching the bride and her bridal party decided to check the bathrooms. Walking into the bathroom the bride was met with a sight that she never expected to see. She found her soon to […]
Dumpster diving is defined as salvaging from large commercial, residential, industrial and construction containers for unused items discarded by their owners but deemed useful to the picker. A lady in the UK feeds her family all 3 meals through dumpster diving. When asked about it. The lady replied that most food that are thrown out […]
I honestly think that this has been a long time coming! Check out the article below on how scientists are already testing these pills on mice to help stop sperm cells for fertilising eggs. Obvioussly more tests need to be done in order for them to start human trials! View this post on Instagram […]
Now we all know that Amsterdam is a place of sin according to some. Now this latest development where they are now deciding that Amsterdam will be banning cannabis for good! The new law will come into effect in May for the Red Light District! Now this is because they’re trying to improve the liveability […]
Now seeing as Valentines Day just finished and you’re probably wondering this question too? Well check out this recent article that was released after V Day on why human beings kiss each other to begin with! Click the link below for the full story. View this post on Instagram A post shared by BBC […]
Imagine being fired for being annoying. And no I’m not even joking. She explained that three complaints had come in over the past 18 months about a female employee, who had worked there for five years. Judith continued: “The complaints have been things like, she was eating loudly, she was talking incessantly and she had […]
Winning money is one thing but to win 48 million dollars is absoulety in a league of it’s own! Meet, 18yr old Juliette Lamour who just recently won the lottery in Canada on her first try! Check out the article below to see how she came to win the huge amount of money! View […]
Let’s just start off by saying HOW AND WHY?! This is honestly the most bizzare thing I have ever come acrooss, check out how this particular lunch staff had gotten away with stealing 1.5 million worrth of chicken wings! Check out the link below for the full article. View this post on Instagram A […]