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We don’t know why but this video is so fascinating.

After Jewel appeared of the Masked singer, I will never look at her the same again. Each of her performances were better then the last! Here is on of my favorite performances she did on the Masked singer.

This video is from some years ago but that magical moment when a baby with hearing problems hears for the first time is such a beautiful moment.  

This is really scary.

On Tuesday night famous comedian Dave Chappelle performed at the Hollywood Bowl. As he was finishing off one of his set’s and ready to walk of the stage, a man from the audience jumped onto the stage and tackled Chappelle. LAPD confirmed these reports saying that the man that tackled him was also armed with […]

I can’t stop watching this video, it looks like a fun project to do your the kids, making those mirrors with the fancy frame. From what I can see you all that was used here was ice-block sticks, glue black marker or paint and glitter and of course the star of the project a mirror. […]

Whenever you hear about an Airbnb you automatically think of a quaint little cottage or a standalone apartment right? Well this Airbnb caught my attention for being just not all of the above. Located in the Victorian gorge For about $1600 a night, two people can enjoy the view of the Mount Buffalo gorge, in […]

Heleina Young, who is currently studying in Australia and still one of the fastest Fijian women around has, like her counterpart Younis Bese recently taken up rugby. Check out her first ever highlight reel below where she’s tearing up the field in this game

Watch this interview and see how Free fallin’ almost never came to be: