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How freaky is this?  

I never really thought about how weaves or wigs were made. I always thought more about how does wear one and maintain synthetic hair in this humid weather we have. But this video has got me asking so many questions like; “what about human hair?” “How do they get hold of it?” But that’s a […]

  Say what you will, or fight me if you must, I will swear to the moon and back that this is the most ambitious cross-over!! More than Avengers Infinity war! 😁😂🤣   Could you ever have imagined that New Kids on the Block, Rick Astley, Salt-N-Pepa, and En Vogue, would be on a song […]

We know we shouldn’t laugh but watching someone with too much money and time get their just desserts feels right.

There are some truly talented people around. Check this guy out.

Let’s hope our drivers in Fiji don’t try the same because like Russell Peters said “somebody gonna get a hurt real bad”.  

You could say CGI looks better but there’s something genuine about old-school special effects!    

The internet truly doesn’t rest. Legends, what do you think of this? It is an old video of Will Smith making fun of someone with alopecia, the same condition his wife has and what caused him to slap Chris Rock.

Oof! We felt this in our currently very empty pockets.

Just watching this is making us feel tired