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KUKI to release first solo EP

Written by on June 27, 2024

The Ra native is not a name that needs any introduction at this point, but on the eve of his first EP release we can’t help but to pick the brain of one of Fiji’s most successful singers and businessmen.

Legend FM Drive host, Jerry, had the opportunity to do just that and spent some time talking to Apakuki Nalawa a.k.a KUKI, and the gems that were dropped during the interview are sure to inspire someone out there.

When asked what it felt like to get this project off the ground and to the point of release, the InsideOut frontman says “Massive! I’ve set up a business to cater to other artists, written, composed, recorded and produced iO. After an 11 year journey, it was time for me release something on my own.”

Mentioning that the journey had spanned 11 years, KUKI had this to say about it “I believe in ‘the right time’. God’s timing is always the best. When he gives you a window of opportunity, you grab it and make the most of it. I’ve reached a time in my career where I feel its time to put to song my experiences, personally and musically where the main message of this EP is a cry out to our country, the youth especially, for us to realize the natural resources that we have, mainly each other. Our forefathers have already set the path, it is now on us to take it up a notch, veilomani, cakacakavata.”

On Wednesday the 26th of June, KUKI held an exclusive, invite only listening party where attendees included the who’s who of Suva socialites getting the first listen of his new EP. When asked how he felt about not only pulling it off but also seeing the support garnered towards him, he replied saying that the turn out and the responses from the crowd made him emotional in the moment but it also came with a sense of pride in his work.

On being asked about any future plans musically, he allowed LegendFM to be the first to let it be known that InsideOut have already started work on an upcoming album where fans can look forward to a lineup as good or even better than the iO EP in collaboration with regional and international artists featuring on it.

On the other hand, KUKI is also a successful businessman, whose company has become a huge contender in the entertainment sphere with a media arm now being nurtured. On the topic of balancing the band InsideOut, his company Resonance and his solo career, Nalawa says, “I guess it comes with the experience. Hasn’t been easy, but I’m blessed that I just love work and progress, I’m addicted to it. I love to see things grow and see people around me succeed.”

“Just remember this. When you get results, don’t let it get to your head, keep working, when you hit a road hump, keep working, when you achieve a goal, celebrate, BUT keep working, when you get stuck, ask for advice and then just keep working. The only way is up.”

Don’t miss out on catching KUKI live at the Fiji Showcase 2024 on the 5th of July.

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