Ed Sheeran faces trial for thinking out loud
Written by John Vakaloloma on October 1, 2022
Ed Sheeran’s will stand trial over claims that he “copied and used without permission or credit” Marvin Gaye’s vocals, for Lets het it on “including but not limited to melody, rhythms, harmonies, drums, bass line, backing chorus, beat, syncopation and looping.
When I first came across this story on https://www.fijivillage.com/entertainment/Judge-rules-Ed-Sheeran-must-face-copyright-trial-over-Thinking-Out-Loud-4fx85r/#.YzeXdrjvEiQ.link
I didn’t see how the allegations made against Ed Sheeran could be true.
So, I did a little “Googling” and I came across this little gem from 2016.
Now I can see sort of see why his being Sued.