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Written by on April 14, 2023

Choosing the perfect name for your child can be abit of a headache especially if you and your partner dont agree.
Here in the pacific names are usually chosen traditionally. By using a name of a close family member or oe tat has passed in order to preserve te name.
This woman in the United Kingdom is recieving backlash on te internet for her choice of name for her new born daughter. In tiktok where she did the baby reveal and name reveal. She first comes on camera to let her viewers know how she pciked the name. She has decided that she will name the baby after her favourite snack. He favourite snack is a “Pickle” . The child has been named “Pickle”. Alot of viewers disagree with the name saying the child will be teased, but the lady says she and her partner love the name and its staying as Pickle.

I could never fathom naming my child after a snack.

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